Forest deductions

Under Year-end closing - Basis for tax return - Tax appendices - Add tax appendix you can add the calculation attachment Forest deduction.

The program transfers the year's requested forest deduction, reversed forest deduction and increased/decreased deduction margin to Tax appendix N8. Transferred data on the N8 will be locked (shown in grey fields).

If you only want to use the calculation appendix as an aid without affecting other parts of the program, make sure that the button Transfer values to tax appendix N8 is deselected at the top of the page. No transfer will then be made to the N8.

  1. Enter Real estate name. The name will be used to identify the property.
  2. Enter Owned share. This is only used as an information on Skatteverket's tax form N8.

  3. Tick the Rationalisation acquisition checkbox if the acquisition is a so-called rationalisation acquisition. If you can show that the forest and forest land was purchased through a so-called rationalisation acquisition, you are entitled to a higher deduction instead. The increased deduction can be claimed in the income year in which the purchase was made and/or the following five years.

  4. In the Deduction margin section, start by entering the remaining deduction margin for forest deductions at the beginning of the taxation year. It's normally 50 percent of the acquisition value minus deductions made and any partial disposals. The acquisition value can also be calculated in different ways depending on when/how the forest was acquired.

Please note that the calculation appendix does not support the calculation of the previous year's deduction margin or acquisition value.

  1. In the field Reversed forest deduction for the taxation year due to disposal/gift, enter any deductions to be reversed. For example, if you have sold a property, the allowable forestry deductions associated with that property must be reversed for tax purposes. This is then reported on tax appendix N8 and transferred to form NE, field R26.

  2. If you have acquired a property, or part of a property, you must also provide information on the increased deduction margin in the field Increased deduction margin due to acquisitions during the year. The information is also transferred to tax appendix N8.

  3. The same applies to sales. If you have sold a property, or part of a property, you must then provide information on the reduced deduction margin in the field Reduced deduction margin due to divestment during the year. The information is also transferred to tax appendix N8.

  4. In the section Deductible forest income for the year, enter details of the various forest income for the year.

  5. Revenue from the sale of rootstock is entered in the field Granting of logging rights. It may be included at 100 percent in the deductible forest income.

  6. Only 60 percent of income from sold forest products and from own harvesting of forest products is included in the deductible forest income.

  7. Under the section Remaining deduction margin for forest deductions, the program calculates the remaining deduction margin based on the opening deduction margin + reversed forestry deduction + increased deduction margin - reduced deduction margin.

    • The maximum forest deduction is limited to 50 percent of the year's deductible forest income. In the case of a rationalisation acquisition, 100% of the year's deductible forest income applies.
    • The forest deduction must also not be greater than the remaining deduction margin.
    • You may not normally claim a forest deduction of less than SEK 15,000 per year.
  1. In Comment you can enter your own comments. For example, you can show how the acquisition value was calculated and what previous forest deductions were made.

General information on forest deductions

If you are a sole trader and own an agricultural unit, you can, under certain conditions, make a so-called forest deduction in the income tax return for the business activity. You can deduct up to half of the acquisition value of the forest and forest land. This half is called the deduction margin. The forest deduction must be returned for taxation when the property is sold. You cannot carry forward the forest deduction.

Claimed forest deductions and reversed forest deductions must be reported on the tax appendix N8. You must also report increases and decreases in the deduction margin.

Maximum forest deduction per year

The maximum deduction for each income year is

  • 50 percent of the revenue from the sold felling right
  • 30 percent of the income from sold forest products
  • 30 percent of the revenue from harvested forest products (timber, etc.).

If you can show that the forest and forest land were purchased through a so-called rationalisation acquisition, you are instead entitled to a deduction of the full compensation for felling rights and 60% of the compensation for forest products and the value of your own harvests. The increased deduction can be claimed in the income year in which the purchase was made and/or the following five years.

Minimum forest deduction per year

You may not claim a forest deduction of less than SEK 15,000 per year. If the agricultural unit is owned by several persons, the deduction per co-owner may be at least SEK 3,000 if the deduction for the entire agricultural unit would have amounted to at least SEK 15,000 if all co-owners had utilised their right to deduct.

The deduction margin

Deposits may not be made in such a large amount that a deficit arises when calculating income from business activities. During the time you own an agricultural unit, you can deduct up to half of the acquisition value of the forest and woodland. This half is called the deduction margin.

Calculation of cost and deductibility

When calculating the deduction, it matters whether you bought the farm unit before or after 1 January 1980 or before 1952.

Purchases after 1 January 1980

If you bought the farm unit after 1 January 1980, the acquisition value is calculated by proportioning the compensation to the various components of the assessed value. As much of the compensation is considered to be payment for forest and forest land as the forestry value is of the total assessed value. For example, if the forestry value is one third of the total assessed value, one third of the compensation is the acquisition value of the forest and forest land

Purchases after 1 January 1980

If the farm unit was purchased before 1980, you should estimate how much of the purchase price can be considered as payment for the forest. For purchases made before 1980, only the value of the forest (excluding woodland) may be included. If the agricultural unit was purchased before 1980 by inheritance, will, gift or division of property, the acquisition value of the forest is calculated in a special way.

Purchase before 1952

If you owned the farm unit before 1952, you cannot claim any forest deduction at all. If you bought, inherited or received a gift of forest and woodland after 1951, you can claim the forest deduction only on the additional parts.

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