Multi-year review (K2)

In Year-end closing - Annual report - Multi-year review, you provide an overview of the development of the business, status and results, as required by the Annual Accounts Act.

If the registration date is incorrectly entered, the program may not understand which year in the sequence it is and therefore show, for example, empty years in the multi-year overview. If this is the case, check that the Registration date under Maintenance - Customer information matches the date the company was established. This information can be found at Bolagsverket.

  1. Select the key figures you want to include in the annual report. These three indicators are mandatory for K2 companies and cannot be opted out:
  • Net sales
  • Profit/loss after financial items
  • Equity/assets ratio

In addition to these, you can also choose to include:

  • Operating profit
  • Operating margin
  • Return on total capital
  • Return on capital employed
  • Return on equity
  • Balance sheet total
  • Cash liquidity
  • Solvency
  • Average number of employees

Housing cooperative associations are also required to report these ratios:

  • Annual fee per m² of rented cooperative apartment
  • Share of annual fees in total operating income %.
  • Indebtedness per m²
  • Indebtedness per m² of rented cooperative apartment
  • Savings per m²
  • Energy cost per m²
  • Interest rate sensitivity %

In the event of a loss, the association must also describe how future financial commitments, such as maintenance of the property, will be financed, in the field Disclosure in case of loss.

If the net sales vary by more than 30 percent between the different years, the company must comment on this. Comments are entered in the text box in the bottom part of the screen.

  1. Add an optional comment in the Comment on the fair overview of the development field.
  2. From the Key figure definitions list, select whether you want to include the definitions or not.

Some texts are suggestions and can be changed by clicking on the menu icon that appears when you hover over the field and select Override text. When a text has been changed, the field is highlighted in yellow. To restore the original text, again hover over the field, click on the menu icon and select Reset text.
Click on the image below to view:

  1. Approve the information by clicking on the status symbol in the column Done in the view to the left.
  1. Return to the annual report by selecting Preview at the bottom right.

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