Auto checks, templates

This topic is for you who work with Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro as an accounting office.

In the Administration - Templates - Templates for auto checks - Auto checkstab, you can see all checks that the template contains.

The default checks that is a part of the program are marked with a padlock. In the template you can adjust which of the default checks that you want to use by disabling the ones that you don’t find useful. You do this by selecting the icon in the Action column and select Disable. From here, you can also copy an existing check

To create your own check for this template, select Create check. In the appearing screen, you enter the check type, name and a description. When clicking Next, you will be prompted to enter information depending on the type of check it is. The checks you create by yourself are possible to delete from the template.

In the topic Check settings, you can read about what check types are available.

The auto checks created in the template cannot be changed or deleted when they are visible for a customer.

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