Templates for auto checks

This topic is for you who work with Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro as an accounting office.

In Administration - Templates for auto checksyou create and maintain templates for your own sets of auto checks that you want to use for your customers. You can base your templates on standard checks for either limited companies or sole proprietorship (Customer type) or a customers setup of auto checks (Customer). Once you have created a template, you select the checks to include and what customers should be connected to the template.

When you create the template, a number of standard checks are included which you can choose to have active or inactivate but you can also create your own auto checks. You can also set a default template for new customers.

In the table on the page, the name of the template is displayed, along with the customer type and the number of customers currently using it. On the right hand side, in the Status column, the template status is displayed. The icons indicates the following:

Red icon The template has not been applied for all customers.
There are customers added to the template but the template isn’t applied. Thus, the template is not in use on these customers.
Orange icon The template is not updated for all customers.
There are changes made to the template and those are not updated for the customers that use the template.
Green icon The template is updated for all customers.

By clicking the template name in the Name column, you will enter an edit mode where you can see more information about the template. When clicking a row in the Number of customers column, the customers currently using the template are displayed.

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