My tasks

This functionality is only accessible for approvers.

You can access and handle all your pending tasks (for all companies for which you are an approver) from the My tasks window.

If you have installed Visma Mobile Manager on your phone, you can also access and approve or reject your tasks on your phone. Please note that not all functions are available from within Visma Mobile Manager.

The My tasks window contains an overview of all tasks assigned to you with basic information such as the supplier or requester, the description, the company, due date of the task and the amount. You can also see an icon if a task is assigned to you because you are a substitute, and/or because it was forwarded to you, you are requested to review it or it was reassigned from another approver by the system administrator. Click on a task to see more details.

Related topics

Handling a task
Task details
Editing the document
Visma Mobile Manager
Keyboard shortcuts for tasks