Handling a task

This functionality is only accessible for approvers. The availability of specific functionalities may vary based on the services used for the company. You may therefore not have access to all options mentioned below.

As an approver you can handle tasks in various ways in Visma.net Approval. The way you handle your tasks is dependent on the type of task and the action you want to take.

You will receive an email notification when a new task is assigned to you or when you have (soon) overdue tasks waiting for your approval, if you choose to receive these email notifications in Notifications.

If you have installed Visma Mobile Manager on your phone, you will also receive a notification on your phone. You can then directly approve or reject the document on your phone. Please note that not all functions are available from within Visma Mobile Manager.

Possible actions on a task

  • Approve: You agree with the content of the document. The document continues in the workflow and is sent to the next approver. If you are the last approver in the workflow, the document is sent back to the other service.
  • Approve and pay: You agree with the content of the document and wish to pay the invoice from within Visma.net Approval. Requires the integration with Visma.net AutoPay to be set up.
  • Reject: You disagree with the content of the document. The process stops immediately and the document is sent back to the other service.
  • Edit: If available, you can edit basic information of the document and then approve or submit it.
  • Postpone: Postpone a task so you will not be reminded of it until the new task due date.
  • Forward: You hand over the task to another person for the decision.
  • Review: Is only shown when you are requested to review a document. You are asked to enter a comment before the document is sent back to the approver for the decision. It is not possible to approve or reject a document that you are asked to review.
  • Request review: You send the task to another person for review or an opinion. Once this person has reviewed the document, the task is returned to you for the decision.
  • Email: Send the task by email. If you choose to include the document, it will be sent as a zip file. This will not reassign the task; you are still responsible for making the approve decision.
  • Open: Takes you to Task details, where you see more information about the document.

Related topics

My tasks
Task details
Editing the document
Visma Mobile Manager