Create manual journal entry

You can register your company's manual journal entries under Accounting - Journal entries. Examples of transactions which must be registered manually are purchases with own money, depreciation, allocation of costs and revenue to periods, the tax return and other transactions related to the monthly accounts and annual accounts.

To facilitate the registration of recurring transactions you can use an accounting template where the relevant accounts and posting options are pre-selected. The program has suggested accounting templates, but you can also add your own. Read more in the topic Add new accounting template.

  1. Select Accounting - Journal entries.
  2. Click on New journal entry.
  3. Enter the date.
  4. Select the accounting template you want to use or enter a description for the journal entry.
  5. Then select the accounts you want to post the transaction against and enter the amounts. You add and remove rows with the plus and minus signs. If you have used an accounting template, the accounts are pre-selected.
  1. Indicate the cost centres the accounting entry applies to if you are working with cost centres.

If you can not indicate the cost centre for a row, it may be because the account is not activated for cost centres.

  1. Select Post to ledger to create the journal entry and add it to the journal entry list.

Searchword: memorial, memorial entry

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Journal entries
Copy manual journal entry
Delete or void a journal entry
Create a correcting journal entry
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