Show sales statistics for article

You can easily view sales statistics per article.

  1. Select Sales - Articles.

If you work with the Stock extension, select Stock - Articles instead.

  1. Select the article you want to view statistics for.
  2. Select Statistics to view the quantity of units sold, to which customers and on what document the article is specified.

Under Sales history, you see a report of number of sold articles, discounts and latest sales.

Under Article history, the article's history divided per customer is shown. If you have the Orders extension, the history divided per order is also shown.

The history over the past 12 months is shown as default. If you have more than two financial years and want to show the history for all periods, you can select All from the Period list.

If you want to process the statistics in a document, or compile statistics for several articles at the same time, this can be done in the Sales statistics report under Accounting - Reports.

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Create sales invoice
Enter stock balance
Remove article
Deactivate article