Send payment reminder

If an invoice is overdue, you can send a payment reminder to the customer. Please note that the original invoice is not included in the reminder email. Settings for reminders are configured under Settings - Company settings, the tab Invoice settings. If you want to add a late payment fee to the reminder, the payment must be at least 14 days overdue and the new due date must be at least 14 days, according to the Debt Collection Act.

Reminders cannot be sent as e-invoices.

The fee for late payment is retrieved from Settings - Company settings, the tab Invoice settings and Standard texts for payment reminders but can be adjusted for each invoice. Here you can also set how many reminders you want to send before you send a debt collection note. You can also specify whether the first reminder should be without a late payment fee.

If you have registered a payment for a part of the invoice, the payment reminder shows the outstanding amount.

You are only allowed to add two late payment fees (fee for debt collection notes included) for each invoice. The payment due date must be 14 days for each reminder or collection notice you send. If you send a debt collection notice it must be sent by post.

The late payment fee may not exceed the maximum permitted allowed late payment fee set by the Norwegian authorities each year. You can read more about maximum permitted allowed late payment fees at

  1. Select Sales - Sales invoices.
  2. Select the tab Unpaid sales invoices.
  3. Select the invoice for which you want to send a payment reminder.

The feature Process multiple invoices allows you to create payment reminders for multiple invoices all at the same time.

  1. Select Actions - Payment reminder.
  2. Decide if you should add a late payment fee. You can delete the row with the fee if you do not wish to add a fee.
  3. Select one of the following:
Send payment reminder by email The payment reminder is sent automatically to the email address that is indicated for the customer in the customer register.
Create payment reminder PDF The payment reminder is saved as a PDF and can be printed out.

On the original invoice you find information about original due date, payment reminder date, late payment fee and how the payment reminder was sent.

Related topics

Credit invoice
Company settings
Process multiple reminders and drafts
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