Import trial balances - overview

In Visma Net, to initialise the system during initial implementation, you can import either a trial balance (or balances) or a number of general ledger transactions from third-party software. If you import the general ledger transactions, you do not need to import the trial balance because the trial balance will be computed by the system automatically according to imported general ledger transactions.
If you do not need to keep the history of general ledger transactions in Visma Net, you can import the trial balance only.

Before importing the trial balance, you need to select the period to start keeping records in Visma Net, and decide whether you want to import the history of balances for multiple preceding periods or just one period.

We recommend that you import the trial balance for at least one period prior to the period in which you start using Visma Net.
For example: If you start using Visma Net in 01-2021, you import the trial balance for at least 12-2020.

In the third-party software, you should prepare the data to be imported. For each required period, you should run the trial balance report. If the third-party software has no such report, you need to use a traditional trial balance report and calculate the balances of accounts by using information about the account types.

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Import trial balance