Visma Net
General ledger reports - overview
With the wide variety of reports for the General ledger workspace, you can promptly get vital information, analyse financial data by various criteria, review transactions efficiently, and track data edits.
Because the General ledger workspace is tightly integrated with other workspaces—such as Customer ledger, Supplier ledger, and Cash management—you can find and analyse the exact information you need. By using flexible selection options and data links, you can easily drill down from a financial report to any supporting details.
The reports can be generated in multiple formats, including PDF and HTML.
Also, you can print
the report you generated or send the report by email.
The General ledger workspace includes the following reports:
- Trial balance summary (GL63200S) report:
Displays the account balances for the period. - Trial balance detailed (GL632500):
For the selected period, displays the balances of the accounts, detailed to subaccounts. - Transactions for period (GL633000):
Displays the list of transactions that occurred during the specified period. - Transactions for account (GL633500):
Shows activities on the account and under the specified subaccount during the range of periods.
- Balance sheet (GL634000):
Displays the company's balance sheet as of the start of the specified financial period. Assets are shown against liabilities. - Balance sheet - quarterly (GL634500):
Displays the company's balance sheet by quarter. Assets are shown against liabilities. - Balance sheet - detailed (GL63401S):
Displays the company's balance sheet by quarter. Assets are shown against liabilities. - Balance sheet - quarterly (detailed) (GL63451S):
- Displays the company's balance sheet by quarter. Assets are shown against liabilities.
- Profit and loss (GL635000):
Displays your company's profits and losses for the specified period in period-to-date and year-to-date amounts, versus the period-to-date and year-to-date amounts of the previous year as calculated for the same date. - Profit and loss (detailed) (GL63501S)
- Profit and loss - quarterly (GL635500) :
Displays your company's profits and losses for the specified period in period-to-date and year-to-date amounts, versus the period-to-date and year-to-date amounts of the previous year as calculated for the same date. - Profit and loss - quarterly (detailed) (GL63551S):
Displays your company's profits and losses in year-to-date amounts for each quarter.
- Budgets (GL612001):
Displays the list of budget articles with their requested and released amounts in the selected ledger for the specified branch and for the specified financial year. - Unreleased transactions summary (GL61150S):
Displays the list of transactions that were entered but not released during the specified financial period. - Unreleased transactions account distribution (GL61100S):
Displays the list of transactions, with their details, that were entered but not released during the specified financial period. - Unreleased transactions account distribution (currency) (GL61120S):
- General ledger register (GL62050S):
Displays the list of all the batches released and posted to General ledger during the specified financial period. - General ledger register (detailed) (GL62100S):
Displays the list of all the batches released and posted to General ledger during the specified financial period. Batch details include accounts, subaccounts, currency, and amounts. - All unreleased documents (GL65601S)
- Account specification (GL63301S)
- Journal transactions list (GL63302S)
- Open general ledger documents (GL656000):
Displays the list of all the transactions that were entered but not released during the specified financial period. - Recurring transactions (GL641500):
Displays a schedule or the list of schedules created for recurring transactions. - Recurring transactions (detailed) (GL640500):
Displays the details of a schedule or schedules to which recurring transactions are assigned. - Reversing batches (GL690010):
Displays the list of reversing batches with their details which have been generated for the selected batch. - Balance sheet specification/Open entries (GL63309S)
- Audit transaction list (GL63303S)
- Transactions with external codes (GL63304S)
- Balance with external codes (GL63201S)