About contract templates

A contract template, which is required for creating a contract, provides invoicing, refund, and renewal settings.

A template for a particular type of contract can include as many details as are needed for a typical contract of the type.
A template might provide all the contract details except for the customer name and location, or it may contain only a few settings in addition to the required ones.

A contract template may or may not determine the list of contract details, which are the services and products that you want to sell.
These services and products are represented by contract items, which you configure separately.
The list of details is created by adding the contract items to a contract template.
When you are creating a contract and you select the contract template to base it on, the list is copied to the contract.
You can modify the list of items if this is allowed by the contract template (that is, if the Enable template items override check box is selected).

To prepare a contract template, you do the following:

  • Configure the contract template.
  • Configure the contract items that you want to add to the contract template, if any.
  • Add the contract items to the contract template.