Select processing options for overdue charges

  1. Go to the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window.
  2. Go to the General information tab.
  3. In the Data processing settings section, select one or more of the following options:
    • Apply payments to overdue charges first: If you select this check box, the system applies payments first to the overdue charge documents and then to the invoices and notes.
    • Set default overdue charges by statement cycle: This check box defines whether the overdue charge code is provided by the statement cycle or the customer class. If you select this check box, the system will use the overdue charge code assigned to the statement cycle. If you do not select it, the system will use the overdue charge code assigned to the customer class.
    • Calculate on overdue charges documents: If you select this check box, the system configures all overdue charges to be compound charges (charges calculated on charges).
  4. Click .