Choose a statement cycle for overdue charges

These settings only apply if the Set default overdue charge by statement cycle check box on the General settings tab in the Customer ledger preferences (AR101000) window is selected. If you deselect the check box, the system applies the overdue charges defined to the customer class.

  1. Go to the Statement cycles (AR202800) window.
  2. In the Cycle ID field, select a cycle ID.
  3. Select the check box Require payment application before statement processing.
  4. Select the Apply overdue charges check box.
  5. Optional: Select the check box Require overdue charges calculation before statement.
  6. In the Overdue charge ID field, select an overdue charge ID.
  7. Click .

For released documents of customer accounts where this check box is selected, you can change this default value on the Financial details tab in the Sales invoices (AR301000) window.