Visma Net
Form a list of applications automatically
You can apply a customer payment or prepayment to any number of invoices, debit notes, and overdue charges by using the Customer payments (AR302000) window. If there are open credit notes for the customer, they also can be used in payment application.
In the top part of the window, the Available balance field holds the balance of the payment that is available for further application, and the Applied to documents field contains the balance that has been applied.
For details on the application of a payment document, see: About manual payment application; for instructions about how to enter a payment into the system, see: Enter a payment document.
- Go to the Customer payments (AR302000) window.
- In the Type field in the top part, select Payment or Prepayment, depending on the document you want to apply.
- In the Reference no. field, select the reference number of the payment or prepayment.
- On the Documents to apply tab, manually compose the list
of outstanding documents to be paid with the payment document, by doing the
following for each line (outstanding document):
- In the table toolbar, click Add row to append a row to the table.
- In the Doc. type column, select the type of the outstanding document.
- In the Reference no. column, select the
reference number of the outstanding document.
The system fills in appropriate values in the other columns automatically. - Optional: In the Amount paid column, modify the applied amount, if needed.
- Optional: If you want to give the customer a cash discount, in the Cash discount taken column, enter or modify the amount of the cash discount.
- Optional: If you want to write off some balance, in the Balance write-off column, enter the amount you want to write off and in the Write-off reason code select the reason code, which defines an account where the system records the written-off amount.
- Optional: If the payment document and the outstanding document are in a foreign currency, you may need to adjust the cross rate in the Cross rate column.
You can adjust the list by adding and removing documents and by typing the application amounts for each document.
The application amount may not exceed the payment amount. - If the payment document for which you have formed the list of the outstanding
documents has the On hold or Balanced status, you can proceed as
- To save the document with the On hold status, make sure the
Hold check box is selected, and click
- To save the document with the Balanced status, make sure the
Hold check box is cleared, and click
- To release the payment document and its applications, make sure the
Hold check box is cleared, and click
When the payment is released, its status changes to Closed if the application amount is equal to the payment amount.
If the application amount is less than the payment amount, the status of the released payment document changes to Open.
- To save the document with the On hold status, make sure the
Hold check box is selected, and click
- If the payment document for which you have formed the list of the outstanding
documents has the Open status, proceed as follows:
- To save the document with the Open status and the list of
applications you have formed, click
- To release the applications, click Release.
When the application records are released, the status of the payment changes to Closed if the application amount is equal to the payment amount.
If the application amount is less than the payment amount, the status of the released payment document remains Open.
- To save the document with the Open status and the list of
applications you have formed, click
Related reports
Unreleased transactions (detailed) (AR610500)
Customer documents (detailed) (AR622000)
Related concepts
About manual payment application
About release of payments and prepayments
Processing payments and applications - overview
About automatic payment application
About release of application records
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