Match incoming payments

After the payments are processed in the AutoPay inbox (CA50400S) window, you need to match them automatically from the Process incoming payments (AR305000) window.

  1. Go to the Process incoming payments (AR305000) window.
  2. If you have defined a default cash account for this window, you will see all the payments that have been imported from AutoPay.
  3. If you do not use a default account or want to match payments from a different account, select the account in the Cash account field. The system displays all imported payments for that account in the table.

  4. If you do not want to include matches with 0 relevance, select the Display only relevant matches check box.

  5. Click Match automatically.
    The system now tries to match the imported incoming payments with the customer ledger invoices in the system. The matching is based on payment reference and/or invoice numbers.
    For payments that the system has matched automatically, you see that the Ready to process check box is selected. These are now ready for processing.