Write-off underpayments or overpayments

  1. Go to the Write-off balances and credits (AR505000) window.
  2. In Type, select the write-off operation you want to use:
    1. Balance write-off - to write-off an underpayment.
    2. Credit write-off - to write-off an overpayment.
  3. Select a customer by clicking .
  4. Optional: Select a post period by clicking .
  5. Select a reason code by clicking .

    If there is no relevant reason code: Create reason codes for write-offs.
  6. Go to the table, and select the invoices you want to process.

  7. Click:
    1. Process the selected invoices,
    2. Process all in the list of invoices / credit notes, and create batches with status Posted or Unposted.
The write-offs are posted to the general ledger.