About discount series

Many companies offer their customers discounts that depend on the total quantities of items, the quantities of specific items, the document total amounts, or specific line amounts.

In Visma Net, you create discounts in the following stages:

  1. Defining discount codes for all types of discounts used in your organisation by using the Discount codes (AR209000) window. A discount code defines broad characteristics of the discount, such as whether it is applied automatically or manually, what level the discount is applicable at (Document, Group of lines, or Line), and whether it is unconditional or conditional. If a discount code is conditional, you also specify on this window what types of conditions (customer, item, customer price class, warehouse, or item price class) should be used to determine whether the discount can be applied to a document. For more information, see About discounts.
  2. Creating multiple discount series for each discount code by using the Discounts (AR209500) window. A discount series defines the particular discount percent or the fixed discount amount applicable to a document if the document details match the discount application conditions. Discount series may define discounts that are updatable or promotional and simple or tiered. Multiple series of the same discount can be effective at the same time only if they have non-intersecting sets of conditions. For instance, you could define a line-level discount that is conditional and applies to items, and you can configure the discount series to have the same start date but apply to different items.