Visma Net
Process authorised returns (RM)
In the Sales orders (SO301000) window, you can create a generic authorised return or an order document of the RM order type when a customer wants to replace any returned item with an item with a higher price, or when shipping and handling fees are charged for returns.
When you create an order of the RM type, make sure that for each line with the Receipt transaction type, the order has a line with Issue as the transaction type for a replacement item. You can add such lines manually (at this point, you can select other items for replacement), or you can select the Create issue automatically check box for each Receipt type line (for items that are not tracked by serial or lot numbers) to make the system add the lines of the Issue type automatically.
- Go to the Sales orders (SO301000) window.
- Select RM as the order type.
- Select the customer in the Customer field.
- Check the location of the customer on the order, and change it if needed.
- Check the currency and the currency exchange rate on the customer document, and change these on the order if needed.
- Notice the non-project code that is shown in the Project field; if this order is associated with a particular project, select the project.
- Check the date of the order, and change it if needed.
- In the Requested on field, specify the date of the customer document.
- In the Description field, provide a brief description of this return order.
- On the Document details tab, add all the invoices that list the items to
be returned.
For each invoice, click Add sales invoice in the table toolbar and perform the following steps:- In the Add invoice details dialog box that opens, select the customer invoice in the Ref. no. field.
- Once the lines of the selected invoice appears in the table, select the
check boxes to the left of each line with an item that is being
returned.To view and add particular stock items of non-stock kits, select the Show non-stock kits by components check box.
- Click the Add and close button to add selected lines to the order and close the dialog box.
- For each added line, in the Operation column, make sure that Receipt is selected in the Operation field.
- Notice the warning indicated by a red circle at the Order
total element.
Point to the mark to read the warning: Document balance will go negative. Document will not be released.Until you add a replacement line (of the Issue type) or multiple such lines to make the order balance positive, you can save the document only in the On hold status. - Select the Hold check box
- Optional: To add other items that will be returned, perform the following steps
for each item:
- Click Add item.
The Item lookup dialog box appears with a list of active stock items. - In the dialog box, to find the item by a string in its item ID or description, type this string in the Item field.
- In the resulting list of items, select the row with the item you want to add, and in the Qty selected column, specify the requested quantity of the item (measured in the unit of measure shown in the Sales unit column).
- Click the Add and close button, which closes the dialog box.
- In the Operation column of the added table row, make sure that Receipt is selected.
- Click .
- Click Add item.
- For the lines that do not have the Create issue automatically check box selected, add the lines (with the Issue operation) for the replacement items by following the above steps 11a - 11 d, and make sure that Receipt is selected in the Operation column of the added table lines.
- Add a line (with the Issue operation) for a refund as follows:
- In the Item ID field, select the refund non-stock item.
- Optional: In the Quantity column, specify the quantity of the item.
- In the Manual amount column, type the refund amount.
- Click .
- Clear the Hold check box in the top part of the window.
- Click .
You process the order for the returned items as follows:
- Go to the Sales orders (SO301000) window.
- Select the order by its type (RM) and its reference number.
- Click Actions - Create receipt to create a shipment (with the Receipt operation) that
accounts for the returned goods.
The system opens the Shipments (SO302000) window to display the new shipment. - In the Shipments (SO302000) window, review the shipment details, clear the Hold check box, and click Save.
- Click Actions - Confirm shipment.
- Click Actions - Prepare invoice. This generates a credit note with the returned items listed.
The system opens the Customer invoices (SO303000) window to display the new document. - Optional: In the opened window, release the credit note by clicking Actions - Release.
This creates an issue transaction of the Credit note type in the Inventory workspace.
You process the order for the replacement items as follows:
- Go to the Sales orders (SO301000) window.
- Select the order by its type (RM) and its reference number. Notice that the lines with the Receipt operation (for returned items) have been automatically marked as completed.
- Click Actions - Create shipment to create a shipment (with the Issue operation) that
accounts for the replacement items.
The system opens the Shipments (SO302000) window to display the new shipment. - Optional: To print a pick list for the selected replacement items, click Actions - Print pick list in the Shipments (SO302000) window.
- Once you have prepared the shipment, click Actions - Confirm shipment.
- Click Actions - Prepare invoice to generate an Customer ledger invoice with the
Balanced status.
This gives the original RM order the Invoiced status.
The Customer ledger invoice can be further processed in the Customer invoices window in the Inventory workspace.
you release the invoice, the original RM order gets the Completed