Visma Net
Generate a recurring invoice
- Go to the Generate recurring transactions (AP504000) window.
- To select the schedules by a range of due dates, do the following:
- Select the start date in the Start on field.
- Click the On this date button, and select the date that ends the range of due dates in the unlabelled field to the right.
- To run a specific number of schedules, do the following:
- Select the start date in the Start on field.
- Select the After running this number of schedules button, and type the number in the unlabelled field to the right.
- In the table, select the unlabelled check box preceding each schedule to be run.
- In the window toolbar, click Run selected to generate documents based on the chosen schedule.
Documents will only be generated according to the schedule, and cannot be generated ahead of time. The generated document will have the same details as the scheduled document, with its transaction date set according to the schedule.
View the generated documents
- Once processing is successfully completed, click one of the processed schedules on the list to select it.
- Click View schedule in the toolbar. This opens the Recurring transactions (AP203500) window as a dialog box with the selected schedule.
- Click the reference number of any document to open the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window as a pop-up. Make any needed modifications to the document.