Purchase invoices (AP301000)

This topic gives you information about the elements that you find in this window in Visma.net ERP, such as fields, field values, buttons, and check boxes.


In this window, you enter supplier documents, such as landed cost invoices, adjustments, and prepayments, and view existing document details.

  • Each purchase invoice, adjustment, or prepayment request creates a supplier ledger document of the corresponding type, which includes information about the supplier and their original document, such as the reference number of the original purchase invoice or note.

  • In addition, you can link invoices to the purchase orders used for ordering goods and to the purchase receipts issued upon receiving the ordered goods.

  • You can edit invoices, adjustments, and prepayments until they are released. The default status of a new document is determined by the Hold documents on entry option in the Supplier ledger preferences (AP101000) window.