Reverse an invoice


Reversing an invoice, which pertains to a purchase receipt, impacts the supplier ledger account instead of the associated expense account.
Upon releasing the resulting purchase credit note, the purchase receipt status will be updated to Open.

In ERP, you cannot delete an invoice once it has been released; you can either correct or reverse it.

  1. Go to the Purchase invoices (AP301000) window.
  2. Locate the invoice to be reversed in one of the following ways:
    • In the Reference no. field of the top part, select the invoice by its reference number.
    • Click the navigation buttons in the window toolbar until you see the appropriate invoice on the screen.
  3. Click Actions on the window toolbar and select Reverse.

    The system will display the created purchase credit note with the same details as the invoice and a status of Balanced.

  4. Verify that the settings of the newly created adjustment are accurate, such as ensuring the total amount of the purchase credit note matches the total amount of the invoice.
  5. Optional: In the Description field, enter a reference to the invoice the adjustment is based on.
  6. Change the reference to the supplier document if required, since the system checks if it is unique.
  7. Click Release to release the adjustment.

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Correct a purchase invoice