Visma Net
View inventory transactions details
The typical user of this window is an accountant, who uses it to check details when something is not correct.
Use this screen to look at specific item's movements in a specific period.
You can use selection criteria to display the data you want to see.
- Go to the Inventory transaction details (IN404000) window.
- In Period, click
to select the period for which you want to view the details. You can also specify date ranges or choose By financial period (without running values).
- In Location, you see where the item is located. Click
to select another location.
- In Item ID, select the item you want to see transaction details for. This is a required field.
- The table shows details such as transaction type, status (released or not), quantity in and out, cost in and out and may also let you drill down to underlying documents in the columns Ref. no., Sales order no. and Purchase order receipt no..
- For items that have underlying documents or other information, you can also click Stock item, Summary or Allocation details to drill down to details in related windows.
Click Summary by day to see only summarised information for an item on a specific day.
Click Include unreleased (without costs) to hide the columns Cost in, Cost out and Unit cost, and also display unreleased transactions.