About attributes

In Visma Net, you can define attributes for flexible, meaningful classification of customers and items in your company.
An attribute is a property (such as age or industry) that enables you to specify additional information for objects in the system.
Attributes are defined in the context of a class, which is a grouping of the business accounts, projects, and stock and non-stock items by one or more of their properties.

For each class, you can define a list of attributes to gather class-specific information about members of the class.
For example: Attributes may carry the information about product brand, manufacturer, lead age, gender, or industry.
You can use attributes in the following Visma Net workspaces:

  • Inventory
    In the Inventory workspace, attributes store additional properties of stock and non-stock items.
  • Projects
    In the Projects workspace, you use attributes to define additional elements to gather and store information about projects, tasks, and account groups.