Configure a generic inquiry to replace an entry window

You can use the Generic inquiry (SM208000) window to create an inquiry based on a entry window.
This inquiry can be used as a substitute window that lists the records created by the using the corresponding entry window, so that you can see many records at a glance.
For more information, see:About substitutes for entry windows.

If you use the substitute window to replace the entry window on the navigation pane, when a user clicks the name of the entry window, the system opens the substitute window.
The instructions below describe how to configure a substitute window to replace the corresponding entry window.

  1. Go to the Generic inquiry (SM208000) window.
  2. In the Inquiry title field, select the inquiry that you want to use as the substitute window for the entry window.
  3. On the Entry point tab, in the Entry screen settings section, do the following:
    1. In the Entry screen field, select the entry window that the substitute window will replace.

      When you select the entry window, this window is automatically added to the Navigation tab.

    2. To replace the selected entry screen with the substitute window, select the Replace entry screen with this inquiry in menu check box.

      If you select this check box, the entry window always opens in the same browser tab when a user is adding a new record from this inquiry or viewing the details of an existing record from the inquiry.

  4. To give the user the ability to add new records from the substitute window, in the Operations with records section, select the Enable new record creation check box.

    The New record button appears on the window toolbar of the substitute window. When the user clicks this button, the system opens the entry window that the user can use to add a new record.

  5. To give the user the ability to delete existing records from the system by using the substitute window, select the Enable mass record deletion check box.

    The Delete button appears on the window toolbar and the Selected column appears in the table of the substitute window.
    A user can select one record or multiple records, and then delete any of these records from the system.
    The user will have to confirm the deletion of every record.

  6. To make the system automatically confirm the deletion of records on the substitute window, select the Auto-confirm custom delete confirmations check box.

    With this check box selected, when a user tries to delete one record or multiple records, the records will be deleted without confirmation.

  7. To give the user the ability to update particular fields of the records by using the substitute window, do the following:
    1. Select the Enable mass record update check box.
    2. On the Mass update fields tab, add the fields to the table.

    The Update and Update all commands appear on the Actions menu of the window toolbar and the Selected column appears in the table of the substitute window.

  8. To give the user the ability to use particular commands (such Copy or Add note) on the substitute window, do the following:
    1. Select the Enable mass actions on records check box.
    2. On the Mass actions tab, add to the table the actions you want to provide.

    The added commands appear on the Actions menu of the window toolbar, and the Selected column appears in the table of the substitute window.

  9. To define how to open the entry window from the substitute window when a user is adding a new record or viewing the details of an existing record (if you haven't replaced the entry window with the substitute window), do the following:
    1. In the Screens section of the Navigation tab, select the entry screen, which was added automatically when you selected the entry screen on the Entry point tab.
    2. In the Navigation parameters section, select one of the following values in the Window mode field:
      • Same tab (default value): The entry window opens in the same browser tab.
      • New tab: The entry window opens in a new browser tab.
      • Pop-up window: The entry window opens in a new pop-up window.
  10. Optional: In the Navigation parameters section of the Navigation tab, modify the inquiry parameters that should be passed to the key fields of the entry window.
  11. Optional: In the New record defaults table, specify the default parameters for the fields to be added while the new records are created on the inquiry window.
    The New record defaults table is available only if the Enable new record creation check box is selected.
  12. Click .

As a result of these steps, the inquiry window will be displayed as the entry window in the defined site map location.

Parent topic:
Manage substitutes of entry windows - overview

Related concepts
About substitutes for entry windows
Design an inquiry based on inventory data