About substitutes for entry windows

Sometimes, you might need a faster way to retrieve particular data from the system. This could be information about a specific supplier or the list of customers.

Data retrieval

Typically, in Visma Net, you can retrieve specific information by navigating to the relevant data entry or maintenance window and selecting the magnifier icon in the necessary field. This action will open a list of records in a pop-up window. However, this process might not provide the required information quickly enough.
While the data entry and maintenance windows are useful for inputting new data, once the majority of data has been entered, you might find it more beneficial to view the list of records that were created in the data entry window.

The process

Within Visma Net, it's possible to construct a generic inquiry or a custom window. This window will display the data from a data entry or maintenance window, referred to as the entry window in this scenario, in a table format. The newly created generic inquiry or custom window is known as the substitute window in this context.
After the substitute window is created, it can replace the original entry window.
Therefore, when the entry window's name is clicked in the navigation pane, the substitute window containing the list of records is accessed.
Clicking on a record name in this list will open the corresponding entry window (data entry or maintenance).

Parent topic:
Manage substitutes of entry windows - overview

Related tasks
Configure a generic inquiry to replace an entry window
Replace an entry window with a custom window
Activate the replacement of an entry window
Cancel the replacement of an entry window