What is included if I activate a collaboration in Visma eEkonomi Smart?

A collaboration in Visma eEkonomi Smart is suitable when a client wishes to create invoices and do the accounting, but need the advice from experts in your office. As an accountant, you help and support on an ongoing basis and you can also decide if you wish to divide the accounting between you. It is up to you and your client to decide who does what. Advice and reconciliations can be easily managed directly through the service.

In this package the client will have access to all smart services and automation such as automatic accounting suggestions that will help your client to enter the same entries on recurring posts. A smart connection to the clients internet bank that helps the client to match bank transactions with accounting entries, that will make manual checks unnecessary. The service will also remind about important upcoming dates.

Your client will also have access to Visma Scanner and Visma Ekonomiöversikt. These services makes it easier to share information such as receipts and invoices and financial information in a more secure way. With Visma Ekonomiöversikt you and your client will always have access to the latest information. You can use explicit charts in order to keep your client updated, not having to go through the numbers in a profit and loss statement. All in all a better collaboration between you and your client.

As an accountant, you will still be working in Visma eEkonomi Pro. Your client will have all the features needed to create their invoices and do their accounting in Visma eEkonomi Smart.

Read more in Activate collaboration in Visma eEkonomi from Visma Advisor.