Change variant or end a collaboration for Visma eEkonomi

It 's almost impossible for us to help you with selecting which variant of Visma eEkonomi you should select, since it's the needs of the customer and your future collaboration who really is the answer to the question. We've compiled some details regarding the changes that occur when you modify the variant during either the invitation for a customer collaboration or an active collaboration wherein you aim to alter the customer's variant.

In the section What happens when I change a variant for a customer already working in a variant of Visma eEkonomi?,we describe what happens when you change variant.

In the section Checklist when ending a collaboration when ending a collaboration, we provide guidance and detail the essential actions you need to undertake.

  1. Go to Settings - Collaborations.

  1. Select the customer you wish to edit a collaboration for.

By expanding a customer, you get an overview of the active collaborations you have with the customer.

  1. Click the icon on the right hand side, to open the window Edit collaboration and make your changes.

Some things to have in mind when changing variant

  • If you downgrade a variant, access to modules for example Quotes & Order, Visma Betalt Direkt or other integrations could be lost, when these modules are not supported in the new variant of Visma eEkonomi.

  • You never have to end a collaboration if you only wish to change a variant for a customer.

Some things to have in mind when ending a collaboration

  • For all scenarios, ensure that all your work with the customer is done before ending a collaboration.

  • Check that all collaborations have been ended, such as Visma Ekonomiöversikt and Visma Scanner.

  • If you have an active bank integration in the collaboration, you should end this integration before ending the collaboration.

Related topics

Getting started with collaborations in Visma Advisor

Search words: Change invoice recipient, change variant, switch variant, upgrade client, end collaboration, change collaboration, switch collaboration