Send e-mail

If e-mail addresses are registered for your customers, employees and contacts, you can initiate sending an e-mail from Visma Advisor. Visma Advisor helps you to select recipients based on your criteria. When sending the e-mail, your standard e-mail program will be used. If you have not configured your standard e-mail program to open from Visma Advisor you can read more on how to set it up in the topic How to set your standard e-mail program on your device.

  1. Click on the icon that is displayed next to all e-mail fields and in the top menu.

Now a dialogue will open.

  1. Enter the selected recipients in the To field.

Now Visma Advisor will automatically start searching your contacts, employees and customers for e-mail addresses based on your selected criteria.

  1. Select the recipients and mark if you wish to save a copy in Visma Advisor.
If you mark the Save a copy in Advisor box, an email copy will be saved in Visma Advisor as described below. The mail that is opened in your email program will include the field BCC with selected email addresses and some text that enables the copy to be saved in Visma Advisor. It is therefore very important that you do not edit or remove the Advisor import text in this field. The email addresses in the BCC field are only visible for the sender (you). You can however add or delete e-mail addresses as you wish in the BCC field.
An added recipient in the mail, that is not currently in Visma Advisor will not be included in the copy that is saved in Visma Advisor.
  1. Select Next.

Now your e-mail program will open up and you can write the message and attach files.

Related topics

How to set your standard e-mail program on your device
Send e-mails to groups
Write a note