Send e-mails to groups

In Visma Advisor, you can send e-mails to a group of customers, contacts or employees.

  1. Open the the customers, contacts or employees list.
  2. Click the icon for E-mail.

Now a dialogue will open.

  1. Open the the customers, contacts or employees list.
You can make selections by using the filtering options in the header and/or the filtering options for each column. An example could be a selection of all customers who have a specific Company type and with the same specific date for End of the financial year.
  1. Click Next.

Now your e-mail program will open up and you can write the message and attach files.

If you mark the check box beside Save a copy in Advisor, a copy of the e-mail will be saved in Visma Advisor as described below.

The original e-mail will always be included as a pdf named Original.pdf in the saved copy.

  • Mails initiated on the Customers or Checklists page, a copy will be saved under the tab Events for the customers and the tab Sent e-emails on My start page.

  • Mails initiated on Employees and Contact pages, a copy will be saved under the tab Sent e-emails on My start page.

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Send e-mail
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