Set language to English for invoice bases

If you want to create an invoice basis in English for a customer, do as follows:

Enter name for tasks, activities, outlays and units in English

  1. Open the task, outlay or unit.
  2. Click on the Name field.
  3. Enter the name in English.
  4. Select Save.

Repeat the same procedure on any other tasks, activities, outlays and units.

Enter initial invoice text in English

  1. Choose Settings - Agency settings in the main menu.
  2. Click on the Initial invoice text field under Invoice settings.
  3. Enter the text in English.
  4. Select Save.

Set invoice language for the customer

  1. Open the customer.
  2. In the Basic information box, click Edit .
  3. In the Invoice language field, select EN - English.
  4. Select Save.

The next time you create an invoice basis for the customer, it will be in English.

Related topics

Create invoice basis