Create invoice basis

By selecting Invoicing in the main menu, you can register/create invoice bases for the hours worked and outlays that have been registered on respective customer, and also for recurring fixed price. The procedure for creating an invoice basis is described below.

Preparing for invoicing

Before creating your first invoice basis, you should link each task and its time activities in Settings - Tasks to a product number in your financial program. This means you can ensure VAT appears correctly on the invoice and that it is charged to the right account. If in Settings - Agency settings you have chosen to specify invoices per task, the product number you have specified for the task will be used. If, on the other hand, you have selected invoice basis per task and activity, the product number you have specified on the time activities will be used instead. You can also link each outlay to a product number in the outlay register.

When transferring invoice bases to Visma eEkonomi, you can set an invoice date that should be shown on the invoice bases. To be able to do this go to Settings - Agency settings - Invoice settings in Visma Advisor and mark the alternative Set date when transferring. Then go to Settings - Company settings - Invoice settings in Visma eEkonomi. You have to enable the option Always show the original date on draft invoices in order to be able to activate the feature.

Create invoice basis

  1. Select Invoicing in the main menu

The tab To be invoiced will open

  1. Enter Set until date and enter your selections.

A list of suggested invoice bases to create is presented.

The date you specify will determine which registrations are included. All the time and outlay registrations carried out up until the specified date will be included when you create the invoice basis. If you use fixed pricing, the invoice occasions covered by the date will be retrieved.

Please note that if the invoice basis isn't displayed in the selection, it may be due to the settings for Pricing Type not being correctly configured. It's important that you specify in the selection which type of pricing you wish to see the basis for - either Hourly Rate, Fixed Price or Price per Transaction. If you choose the option No selection made, the system will display all types of invoice bases.

You can create invoice bases for several customers simultaneously or for one customer at a time.

Related topics

Adjust invoice basis
Approve invoice basis
Export invoice bases to your financial software in Visma Advisor
Undo invoice basis
Printing invoice specifications
Invoice basis for different pricing