Perform credit check

When you perform a complete credit check, the program gives you the same information as with a complaint check. You also get information about the supplier's turnover, limit and rating.

  1. Select Purchasing - Suppliers.
  2. Click on the supplier you want a credit check for.
  3. Click on the Credit check button and select Credit check.

The Search window opens and shows one or more company hits. If there are too few or too many hits, you must enter additional company information.

  1. Click on the relevant company in the list.
  2. Select Purchase or Cancel.
  3. If you select Purchase, a PDF file is created.

In the PDF file, you can see the supplier's information, including complaints, turnover, limit and rating.

Remember to save or print the information if you want to retain it. The retrieved information will disappear when the PDF file is closed.

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Perform a complaint check