Perform a complaint check

When you request a complaint check, you receive information as to whether the supplier records for payment default or a debt balance with the Swedish Enforcement Authority. A record of payment default means that the supplier has not paid their debts on time. This gives you an idea of the supplier's ability to pay.

You access this service from the supplier register.

  1. Select Purchasing - Suppliers.
  2. Click on the supplier you want a complaint check for.
  3. Click on the Credit check button and select Complaint check.

The Search window opens and shows one or more company hits. If there are too few or too many hits in the list, you must enter additional company information.

  1. Click on the relevant company in the list.
  2. Select Purchase or Cancel.
  3. Select OK.
  4. If you select Purchase, a PDF file is created.

In the PDF file, you can see the supplier's information and whether they have any complaints.

Remember to save or print the information if you want to retain it. The retrieved information will disappear when the PDF file is closed.

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