Start and end surveillance service

When you have performed a credit check on a company, you can choose to monitor the company. You then receive a surveillance email if any information about the company changes. You can then perform a new credit check to see the change.

The advantage of surveillance is that you know that you have up-to-date information about the companies on which you have performed a credit check, provided you have not received a surveillance email.

Start surveillance

  1. Select Purchasing - Suppliers.
  2. Click on the supplier you want to monitor in the list.
  3. Click on the Credit check button and select Monitoring.

The Search window opens and shows one or more company hits. If there are too few or too many hits, you must enter additional company information.

  1. In the list, click on the company you want to start monitoring.
  2. Select Purchase or Cancel.

You will receive notification that credit surveillance of the company has been activated.

End surveillance

  1. Select Purchasing - Suppliers.
  2. Click on the supplier with active surveillance.
  3. Click on the Credit check button and select Monitoring.
  4. Select Yes if you want to end surveillance.

You will receive a notification that credit surveillance of the company has been terminated.

Related topics

Perform credit check
Perform a complaint check