Allocate purchase invoice

You can use the Allocation feature when working with purchase invoices to achieve a fairer distribution of your costs. Allocation can be used, for example, if you pay rent for three months at a time and then want to distribute the cost over the relevant months.

To view future allocations, go to Accounting - Journal entries and choose Transaction type - Period allocation. A notification is shown when it is time to post the next allocation.

  1. Select Purchasing - Purchase invoices - New purchase invoice.
  2. Register your purchase invoice and select Period allocation.

If you are allocating a registered purchase invoice, select the invoice in the list and click on Open. Select Actions - Period allocation.

  1. Select the cost to allocate.
  2. Check the total amount to allocate and make any necessary adjustments. The amount can only be adjusted to an amount lower than the total amount.
  3. Enter the accruals ledger account the allocation should be posted against.
  4. Enter the start date of the allocation plan.
  5. Choose the number of months over which the cost should be distributed.
  1. Select Save to return to the purchase invoice. The allocated costs are shown in italics.

When the purchase invoice is posted, journal entries for upcoming allocations are prepared. A notification is shown when it is time to post the next allocation.

Related topics

End allocation on purchase invoice
Register purchase invoice

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