Display of accounting data in charts and reports

When your company uses both Visma eEkonomi and Visma Ekonomiöversikt, your accounting data is automatically transferred to Visma Ekonomiöversikt.

If Visma Ekonomiöversikt is used in a collaboration between an accounting office and a customer, the consultant will decide what data should be displayed. This setting is done under Settings - Report setting - Display of accounting data in charts and reports. Choose between:

Ongoing accounting - with this setting, all users will see real time data in Visma Ekonomiöversikt. Any journal entry added in Visma eEkonomi will be automatically imported in Visma Ekonomiöversikt during log in or when you click the Refresh button.

Locked months - with this setting, all users will see data up until the last locked month in Visma eEkonomi. This setting is done in Visma eEkonomi, under Settings - Company settings - Accounting settings - Accounting locked as of.

Note that if locked months is not set in Visma eEkonomi, ongoing accounting data from Visma eEkonomi will be displayed in Visma Ekonomiöversikt, no matter of the selected setting under Display of accounting data in charts and reports.

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