Upload data

To transfer data into Visma Ekonomiöversikt you can either import a SIE4 file or upload data via Visma eEkonomi or Visma Administration/Visma Förening. If you are an accounting office you can also upload data from Visma Advisor Connect/Visma Byråstöd.

All imports are logged under Settings - Import. If Visma Ekonomiöversikt is used in a collaboration between an accounting office and a customer, it is only the accounting office's employees that have access to the Settings tab by default. User permissions can be changed under Settings - User rights - Settings.

You can decide which users who should be able to import SIE4 files in Visma Ekonomiöversikt, but the rights to import data from the ERP system are not managed in Visma Ekonomiöversikt.

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Integration between Visma Ekonomiöversikt and Visma Administration/Visma Förening
Integration between Visma Ekonomiöversikt and Visma eEkonomi
Delete data for the most recent financial year

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