Integration between Visma Ekonomiöversikt and Visma eEkonomi

Read more in the help for Visma eEkonomi about Locked periods in the topic Financial year and OB settings.

If you work with both Visma eEkonomi and Visma Ekonomiöversikt, the products will integrate automatically. The integration means that you can:

  • start Visma eEkonomi from Visma Ekonomiöversikt.
  • accounting data and data about unpaid invoices to will automatically be uploaded to Visma Ekonomiöversikt during log in or whenever the Refresh button is pushed.

  • if you are an accounting office with collaborations in Visma eEkonomi and Visma Ekonomiöversikt, the setting Accounting locked as of in Visma eEkonomi will be used to show the months that are locked or still ongoing in Visma Ekonomiöversikt.

  • open a document, from the Income statement or Balance sheet, linked to a supplier invoice or a supporting journal entry in Visma eEkonomi.
  • when your company uses Visma eEkonomi and Visma Ekonomiöversikt, your ongoing accounting data is automatically transferred to Visma Ekonomiöversikt.

Transfer accounting data from Visma eEkonomi

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Integration between Visma Ekonomiöversikt and Visma Administration/Visma Förening

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