Work shifts that end after midnight and several work shifts during the same 24-hour period

This topic only applies to payroll administrators.

Working hours that end after midnight are managed in Visma Lön Anställd. In the calendar, the hours worked are registered on the day the work shift started.


If an employee starts their work shift at 22.00 on Monday, and ends the work shift 07.00 on Tuesday, the hours worked for the entire shift are registered on the Monday in the calendar.

If an employee works several shifts during the same 24-hour period, Visma Lön Anställd needs information about which work shift the time registration should belong to. Therefore, special rules apply.

  • First, Visma Lön Anställd checks whether the time registration was made two hours before or after another work shift. If there are more than one work shift, the shift that is closest in time is selected.
  • If there is no work shift within two hours of the time registration, Visma Lön Anställd checks if there is a work shift that starts/ends during the same 24-hour period as the one that the time registration start time is registered in. If there is one, the time registration is considered to belong to the closest work shift in the same 24-hour period.


The work schedule for an employee is 20.00 (Monday) - 05.00 (Tuesday).

The employee registers hours worked between 22.00 (Monday) and 05.00 (Tuesday) as well as 08.00-10.00 (Tuesday). In addition, the employee works overtime between 10.00-11.00 on the Tuesday.

These work shifts will be registered in the calendar on the Monday with 8 hours worked and 1 hour overtime.

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