Bookkeep holiday pay liability

The holiday that employees have earned but not yet used is the company's liability to the employees. The holiday pay liability you bookkeep should correspond to the cost the company gets when the holiday is paid.

In Visma Lön Smart, the company's holiday pay liability and the estimated employer's contribution on the amount are automatically posted at each pay run. The only thing you need to do manually is to zero out the accounts used before you start using the function. After that, the program takes care of everything automatically.

Do the following to activate the feature:

  1. Select Settings - Payroll settings.
  2. Select the Accounting tab.
  3. Tick the Bookkeep holiday pay liability box.

Before posting the holiday pay liability for the first time, you need to zero out the accounts you use for holiday liability. You only need to do this once. Read more in the topic Reset accounts for holiday pay liability.

How the holiday pay liability is bookkept

The holiday pay liability is split up between two booking accounts in the balance report: one account for the holiday pay liability to employees, and one account for the employer contribution based on the holiday pay liability that is to be paid to Skatteverket.

The liability is bookkept on the pay run's accounting data and records after the holiday pay liability list, that is, how the holiday pay liability appears for the whole company until the month of payment's final day. If the pay period for both hourly and salaried employees is the previous month, the holiday pay liability is bookkept up until the last day prior the payment day for that month.

On the Accounting tab, you can see which accounts that will be used for holiday pay liability and its employer contribution. You can change the accounts before you start the bookkeeping, alternatively undo the accounting data and records that you have already done.

The accounts that are used as default to bookkeep the holiday pay liability are 7090 - Förändring av semesterskuld (arb) and 7290 - Förändring av semesterskuld (tjm). They are offset against 2920 - Upplupna semesterlöner.

Employer contribution for holiday pay liability is bookkept against 7519 - Arbetsgivaravgifter för semester-och löneskulder and recorded against 2941 - Beräknade upplupna lagstadgade sociala avgifter.

If you undo an accounting data and records, the bookkept holiday will also be undone. When you have bookkept once again, it will be bookkept again according to the holiday pay liability list. Transactions that have been done on pay runs until a certain date are included in the bookkeeping since the holiday pay liability list is based on transaction dates.

If you have the previous month as deviation period and want to include all transactions that has occurred during the year (for example until 31 December) at the annual accounts, you can wait with bookkeeping the pay run in December until you have created the pay run in January and added the deviations for December. When you then bookkeep December, the deviations from December will also be included in the bookkeeping.

You can always start over with bookkeeping the holiday pay liability. Untick the Bookkeep holiday pay liability box, and then tick it again. You then need to reset the holiday pay liability and its employer contribution costs on the accounts that concerns the holiday pay liability bookkeeping in your accounting. This is because the whole company's holiday pay liability will be bookkept again on the next accounting data and records. Read more in the topic Reset accounts for holiday pay liability.

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