How do I import data to Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro?

If you use Visma eEkonomi as your accounting software you can use a button on the start page to import your latest figures.

If you use another accounting software you have the possibility to import your data via a SIE file. You can import such file when SIE 4 is selected as data source under Maintenance - Settings - Data source. You can choose between SIE1 (year balances) or SIE4 (transactions).

SIE (short for "Standard Import och Export"), is a Swedish, standardised file format designed to simplify the transfer of financial information. It can be used for exchanging data between different programs, i.e. between an ERP system and a tax declaration program or between programs from different software providers. It is developed and maintained by the SIE group. The SIE format standard is coordinated with the BAS chart of accounts and Skatteverket's SRU codes.

There are 4 types of SIE files.

  • Type 1 (SIE1): Annual balances. The file format contains the year's opening and closing balances for all accounts in the chart of accounts. This SIE format is intended primarily for transfer to tax programs.
  • Type 2 (SIE2): Periodic balances, contains in addition to all basic data from type 1 also monthly balance changes for all accounts.
  • Type 3 (SIE3): Object balances. The file format is identical to type 2, but balances are also available at dimension/object level, such as cost centres and projects.
  • Type 4 (SIE4): Transactions. Type 4 is divided into two subtypes. One for exporting transactions from accounting programs and one for importing transactions into accounting programs.

Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro supports the import of SIE1 and SIE4. For exports, SIE4 is supported.

  • You select the file to import from your computer
  • You can import as many financial years as you want
  • When importing one financial year, the values for the previous year are automatically included and displayed in analysis IS, financial statements and annual report
  • You can import accounts with 4 to 6 numbers in account numbers

  • Import of dimensions includes 1 project and 3 cost centers.

Read more in Site settings.