Report center

The report centeris located under both period and year end closing in the program. From here you compile and print your reports. You can preview them or save them in PDF format to send or print them.

To create a report, follow the steps below:

  1. Mark which documents you want to include in the report.

Printing comments

If you have tagged your comments you can select which comments you want to include in the report. You can choose between Untagged, and/or To quality assurance.

If you use Skatt & Bokslut via Visma Advisor, you can also use the To customer tag.

Printing appendices

If you select the option Appendices all main- and sub appendices will be included as default. With the Filter-icon , however, you can specify in detail what appendices to print. From the appearing dialog, you can select all appendices, all completed appendices or select single appendices to include in the report:

Note that if you include sub-appendices in the report, and they have uploaded files, only files in PDF format are included.

Printing the income statement and balance sheet

The information that is included in Income statement and Balance sheet is the same that can be seen under Year end closing - Financial statements.

  1. Click Generate report.

The report is generated and a preview is displayed.

When creating larger reports in the report center, it can sometimes be difficult to know when they are ready, but you can continue to work on other things while the program is working.

As soon as the report has been created, a notification will appear in the top menu. When you click on it, a message will appear informing you that the report is ready, along with a link that you can use to download the report.

  1. Click Download PDF to save the report on your computer.

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