Fixed asset specification

You create a sub-appendix by pressing the paperclip icon from Reconciliation BS - Overview or Reconciliation BS - Appendices.

The Fixed assets - Specification appendix is used to calculate depreciation and residual value of your assets and can be used to reconcile accounts Cost of acquisition, Accumulated depreciation and Depreciation this year. When a fixed asset is marked as disposed or sold, additional account rows for reconciliation of profit and loss will be created.

You can add multiple appendices for the same account group. These will then be compiled in the Fixed Assets - Overview appendix that is automatically created. Read more about this in the Fixed asset summary topic.

This appendix can also be generated automatically when you import data from Visma eEkonomi. The service then creates one specification appendix per acquisition account and an overview appendix, common for all. Only assets that are set as active in Visma eEkonomi are transferred.

Note that if you have created manual Fixed assets - specification appendices before, they will still be present after importing. You will need to remove them to avoid duplicates.

If the Specify previous depreciations dialogue in Visma eEkonomi contains starting values, these are set per financial year. They are shown in the appendix as follows:

  • Accumulated depreciation for previous financial years is displayed in the Open bal for acc depr column.
  • Accumulated depreciation for the current year is displayed in the Acc depr this year column. They are thus never displayed in the Depr. for the period column.

Calculation of depreciation and carrying amount

  1. Specify which accounts to use for cost of acquisition, accumulated depreciation and depreciation this year in the Account section.
  2. Enter the Date of acqusition, Description, Cost of acquisition and Useful life in months for each fixed asset.
  3. Adjust the depreciable amount if needed.
  4. Select Add row (+) to create a new row.

When you leave the fields, the depreciation is calculated automatically from the date of acquisition and the calculated values ​​are displayed on each row.

The bottom part of the screen shows a summary for all fixed assets. The column Sum is also displayed in the auto-generated appendix Fixed Assets - Overview .

Sales and disposals

When a fixed asset is sold or disposed, you register this by clicking the blue icon to the right of the current line. If you specify the sale price, the program will calculate the profit or loss. Two new rows are added to the appendix and you can link the appendix to the corresponding accounts - Gain on sales or Loss on sales. When an asset has been sold or disposed, the row will be greyed out and Sold or Disposed will be displayed in the Description field:

Copy and calculation for the next period

If you have selected the appendix to be copied to the next period, the calculations for the columns Open bal for acc depr., Acc depr this year, Total acc depr and Total carrying amount will be recalculated to include the new period as well.

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