Stock specification

You create a sub-appendix by pressing the paperclip icon from Reconciliation BS - Overview or Reconciliation BS - Appendices.

The Stock specification appendix is used to make a summary and valuation of the inventory. You enter the reconciliation account, the description of the item, its cost and actual value (can be Net selling price value or Current cost. You can add multiple accounts as well as multiple rows to one account.

  1. First, specify the account to use for the stock under Account .
  2. With the radio buttons at Actual value, indicate whether the actual value refers to Net selling price or Current cost.
  3. Enter Description, Cost of Acquisition and Current value for each stock item.
  4. Add an amount for Obsolescence if needed.
  5. Select Add row (+) to create a new row.

The value for the Value to LVP field and the Alternative rule (97% of cost of acquisition) will be calculated.

  1. Add another account via the Add Account button if needed.

In the lower part of the screen, a summary for all items is displayed and which rule should be applied.

The selected rule determines which reconciliation amount should be transferred to the main appendix.

  • The main rule valuates the stock articles according to the lowest value principle (LVP), meaning to the lowest of cost of acquisition and the actual value.
    With this option selected, the amount from Value to LVP is transferred to the specified account.

  • The alternative rule, or the so-called 97 percent rule, gives the right to a obsolescence deduction of a maximum of three % of the stock's total acquisition value.
    With this option selected, 97% of the value from the Cost of acquisition column is transferred to the specified account.

The service automatically selects the rule that gives the lowest stock value. If the main rule is selected, it cannot be changed. However, you can change to the main rule in case the alternative rule is pre-selected.

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