Work in progress specification

You create a sub-appendix by pressing the paperclip icon from Reconciliation BS - Overview or Reconciliation BS - Appendices.

Work in progress is defined as work that a trader has undertaken on behalf of another person and which is started, but not completed at the end of the financial year.

The Work in progress specification allows you to specify the cost of the ongoing work. Here is a breakdown of direct and indirect costs and invoiced advance payments. If you have multiple projects in progress, you can add multiple specifications to the same account group. These will be compiled in the Work in progress summary appendix that is created automatically when you add the first specification.

Calculation of work in progress

  1. Enter project description, sales price and estimated price for the work in progress.
  2. Enter in Used material if material was used. Enter the quantity and unit price of the material. If you need to add more rows, select Add row (+).
  3. Enter work performed, along with hours och unit price. Select Add row (+) to create a new row.

The sum of Used material and Work performed is proposed as a basis to calculate the indirect costs of materials and work.

The number of hours specified under Work performed is proposed as a basis to calculate the indirect cost per hour.

  1. Enter any mark-up in percentage for materials and labor costs. Mark-ups for overhead costs should be entered in SEK.
  2. Specify any payments already invoiced in Invoiced advance payments and enter the amount according to quote, date and invoice amount.

Project description, sales price, estimated price, the sum of the direct and indirect costs and invoiced advance payments are automatically transferred to the appendix Work in progress summary. There, all projects are summarised.

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