K10 - Qualified shares in close companies, Saved amount limit tab

When you have created a tax appendix for K10, you must enter any values ​​for saved scope of dividend at the start of the income year on the Saved limit amount tab .

If a sale has been entered in the Events tab, new amount limits will be calculated with respect to the specified date for dividends or sales.

You can make own adjustments to the saved scope of dividend, but this only needs to be done on some unusual occasions. You can make adjustments to the amounts calculated by the program both before and after the year's time of dividend.

Outgoing amounts are indicated with a minus in front of the numbers.

Manual adjustments

You may need to manually adjust the information about saved scope of dividend when the shares are received as a gift or inheritance and these shares were received after the year's time of dividend. If so, information about the saved scope of dividend for these shares must be entered in the row Other adjustments after this year's dividend.

When selling a real estate in a close company that have been the shareholder's home, manual adjustments may also have to be made of saved scope of dividend. Another example is when several sales or dividends were made during the same year, especially when such transactions were made between related parties.

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