Expansion fund

What is an expansion fund?

Sole proprietors are permitted to allocate earnings to an expansion fund. This is done for profit equalization purposes, and makes it possible to postpone the definitive tax on the net profit.

Deductions for expansion fund are done in the tax return and do not require any adjustments in the bookkeeping.

Normally, around 50 percent of a sole proprietor’s profit goes to income tax and social contributions. A transfer to the expansion fund instead results in a temporary tax, which is currently 20.6% of the amount transferred. As long as 79,4 per cent of the allocated earnings remain in the business, no further taxes will be added. This method yields the same results as when taxed earnings are created in a limited company.

Read more about expansion funds on skatteverket's website.

The basis for expansion funds is entered in under Tax calculation - Tax adjustments - Expansion fund.

  1. In the section Basis at the end of the year, enter the amounts that constitute the capital base for the expansion fund.
    The capital base consists of equity capital at the end of the tax year, plus deficits during the tax year that have not been offset against other income, minus temporary capital injections during the tax year. The amounts are filled in automatically but can be changed by hovering over the fields and selecting Override amount from the menu that appears.
  2. If there are previous transitional, separate items or non-durable capital contributions, fill them in under Transitional item and non-durable capital contributions.
  3. If you have properties and/or forest accounts, enter the value of these under Real property, forest account, etc..
  • Under Tax calculation - Sole proprietorship - Profit/loss planning - Expansion fund – capital basis, you can see how the base has been calculated.
  • Any deductions for the expansion fund are shown under Profit/loss planning - Own adjustment - Expansion fund and will be deducted from the taxable profit.

Mark the section as done by clicking on the status icon in the Done column in the Calculations view.

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