
Want to keep track so you don't miss any important deadlines? See the topic What dates are important for the annual report?

The signing of the annual report is made in Year-end closing - Annual report - Signatures. The annual report must be signed by the company's CEO and all the members of the board, and also by the company's auditor/auditors, if there are any. In some cases, other roles must also sign the annual report:

  • For companies in liquidation, you can select Liquidator or Deputy Liquidator.
  • For limited companies and economic associations where employees can appoint employee representatives to the board, an Employee representative can sign the annual report. Employee representatives are not elected at the general meeting, therefore the role is not on the annual general meeting protocol.

How do I know who has what role in the company?

In the company's registration certificate or when you are logged in to My Pages at Bolagsverket, you can see

  • All persons registered in the company and their role
  • Beneficial owner
  • Authorised signatory
  1. To automatically retrieve the board members and the auditor from Bolagsverket, select Get information. This will auto-fill the names and roles from the records at Bolagsverket. The retrieved information will be added on this page as well as under Annual general meeting protocol - Basis.
  2. Update the retrieved information if needed. Click on the plus sign to add another signature or click on the minus sign to delete a signature.
  3. Add First name, Last name, Role and Date for each signature.
  1. The Auditor's endorsement section is signed by the auditor. Enter the date when the auditor’s report was submitted and then select either Choice of person or Choice of accounting office.
  • Use Choice of person if you have appointed one or more individual persons as auditors.
  • Use Choice of accounting office if you have appointed an accounting office.  Add the accounting office's name, if any.
  1. Add the auditor's name, if any. If available, it is automatically retrieved from Bolagsverket when using the Get information button. Select the person's role in the drop-down menu to the right of the first name/last name.

Click on the plus sign to add another signature or click on the minus sign to delete a signature. If Choice of accounting office is selected and several auditors are added, one of the auditors must be selected as Auditor in charge (the information is used in digital submission of annual reports)

  1. If the audit report is submitted with modified statements, you also select Text when the auditor's report has been modified.

Note that the auditor must have a software that supports digital submission of the audit report. This is so that it can be submitted as a separate file if you submit the annual report digitally to Bolagsverket..

  1. Approve the document by clicking on the status symbol in the column Done in the view to the left.
  2. Return to the annual report by selecting Preview in the lower right.

If you have the checkbox Print Signatures on a separate page selected, a page break will be inserted before the signatures. If not selected, the signatures will be kept together with the notes.

By signing digitally, the signing process will be much easier. Read more in Digital sign.

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