Automatic checks

When the checks have been run, a detailed view of the result can be seen in Transaction analysis - Check results. The result is also indicated in the column Auto checks on the overview of the pages Reconciliation BS and Analysis IS.

To change the settings of a check, or to add your own checks, go to Transaction analysis and select Check settings. Read more in Check settings..

A red icon indicates that the check has found something. Click on the check to get more detailed information.

An orange icon indicates that the check could not run. An example of this is that the check is supposed to compare previous periods, but there are no previous periods imported into Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro

A green icon indicates that a check has been run, but nothing was found.

Divergent check results can be marked as done using the button Mark check as done. When you mark a check result as done, the icon changes its appearance and becomes grey with a green check mark in the lower right corner.

You only need to mark a check result as done once, which means that if you mark a check result for an account in the reconciliation BS as done, the same check check result will also be marked as done in Transaction analysis.

If a check result no longer is up to date due to a subsequent change, it will lose its status as done and the icon changes its appearance to indicate that the result needs to be updated.

Refresh checks

If the data in Visma Skatt & Bokslut Pro has changed since the last time the checks were run, either from a new import of data from Visma eEkonomi or a SIE4 file, or from the creation of closing entries, the checks will need to be run again. This is shown by a refresh symbol in the status column, as well as the name of the check turning grey. This also happens if the settings of a check is changed. When the checks have been run again the check results are updated and the symbols are changed to the applicable ones.

The symbol is also shown in the dialogue that opens when you click in the column Auto checks in the overview of the pages Reconciliation BS and Analysis IS.

If a period is locked, the checks will not be run for this period, so the results of the checks will remain the same.


It is possible to add comments to check results by selecting the comment icon in the upper right. Comments added to check results in Auto checks are saved together with the auto check result and not on account level.

Print check results

Click on the Download PDF button found at the bottom of the screen to generate and download a PDF document of a check result. The result is displayed as a list, with all rows collapsed.

To print a check result with all rows expanded, click on the arrow next to the Download PDF button and select Download detailed PDF. Bear in mind that not all check types produce results that can be expanded.

It is also possible to select which rows that should be included in the print-out by switching on Enable selection and then marking the checkboxes next to the rows that you wish to include. Selection can be enabled for both standard and detailed print-outs.

To include comments added to check results in the print, click on the arrow next to the Download PDF button at the bottom of the page and select one of the options Download PDF with comments or Download detailed PDF with comments. The comments are added to the last page of the PDF document.

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